Monday, September 13, 2010

"Comedy's a Dead Art Form. Tragedy, Now That's Funny."

This post may have the longest title of this blog so far. I'm off to Shakespeare's Comedies. We had to read Twelfth Night (twelfth is such a weird word to spell) during the weekend. While reading, I realized reading a play is not as fun as seeing the play. Much of the comedy doesn't translate without acting, but I still enjoyed it. It was entertaining, plus it had a great joke in it. At one point, the character Fabian observes the odd situation around him and says, "If this were played upon a stage, now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction." A very apt summary of most any play. Though the live theatre is wondrous to partake and take part, in the end, it's just an improbable fiction. Also, I want a Shakespeare T-shirt. Find me some good ones if you can.

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