Friday, March 20, 2009

Vernal Vacation

Winter quarter is officially over as I'm done with all my finals and will be leaving within a few hours. A Happy Vernal Equinox to everyone. It is that special time of year marking the beginning of the spring season. Mine will be spent for four hours in a car, but I will be home for only a week. I hope though, that I will have bought and received all my new camera equipment before I return to OU because I need it for my first day of VICO 390. It's been a fun finals week, much nicer than last quarter where I almost went insane from boredom. I watched the documentary We Are Wizards which takes a look at the subculture created by the Harry Potter series, such as Wizard Rock and fansites. On top of that, this week's episode of 30 Rock was absolutely hilarious. I also don't know what I'll do with myself for a week with no Post to sit in and eat lunch or attend meetings. Well I do have one thing, other than visiting friends. I recently started going back on SpaceBattles. It is an online forum where I participate in story debates. Story debates are essentially roleplaying without stats, damage, HP, pretty much no numbers. It's really fun and gets my creative juices pumping. I'm getting involved in one that is about character-created deities that were overthrown and are trying to regain their power/realm. Another I'm getting involved in is a little like Cowboy Bebop. We're space cowboys/smugglers or a legitimate spaceship service. I went the route of space cowboys. I'm really excited to get involved in it again because the SD I got involved in fell apart after a month. It was really narrative heavy which ruined everything.

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