Friday, January 15, 2010

Acting in the Streets

So I've been thinking, dangerous I know. I'm in a class on Shakespeare's Tragedies this quarter. It has really gotten me into wanting to perform Shakespeare. I've come up with a brilliant idea. Shakespeare in the Streets! Friends and I shall perform scenes from Shakespearean plays on street corners, sidewalks, public areas. They would be key scenes, or if enough interest is garnered we could do more. We could possibly do a scene a day sort of thing. We also could do an act a day and only perform on weekdays since most of Shakespeare's plays are five acts. I think I really want to do this. It would be a lot of fun, especially if people stop and actually watch us perform. We would not have advanced costumes and only necessary props though. I could also try to get together a Shakespeare on the green thing going where we would use the Scripps Amphitheater to perform. Then maybe we could think about adding costumes. I'll keep you guys updated.


Carolyn said...

Okay... This is about to be super creepy.

So I was on facebook and I saw Ryan Etter (friend of mine) tagged in some Fridays Live photos. Then I saw that you made the album, and I remember officially meeting you at callbacks, and then I remembered you being cast in Stranger in Skitter Creek (I'm Doug's girlfriend, so I've been following its success). So I creeped your facebook, and saw your blog, to see if you wrote anything about Skitter Creek. Then I got to this entry.

And seriously, I think you are awesome. This is an excellent idea and I love Shakespeare and you are super cool.


EmperorNero said...

Thanks Carolyn!