Monday, October 27, 2008


I have tried to stay away from talking about politics, but this story has forced me too. Racism, as anyone with a brain knows, is still alive and thriving in the South and Appalachia. Anyone who has been hearing about the comments of audience members at McCain rallies should be a little unsettled. There are people that do not like Barack Obama simply because he is black. This is no reason to dislike someone. Tolerance and acceptance has been beaten into me since I learned that Thanksgiving was a lie. I easily accepted people not because it was beaten into me, but because they were human. I am fortunate enough to be an intellectually gifted person, and I am not bragging, I am just stating a fact. I grew emotional and mentally faster than people my physical age. Because of this rapid mental growth, I was able to realize things that some adults don't realize until late in their life. I have not once in my life felt like I hated someone. I have always been a friendly and loving person. I forgave people for the way they treated me and tried to overcome my human nature, something I have been defining since an early age. This story saddens me because these people are cursed with ignorance and hate. They are unable to realize that skin color means nothing, differences in ideology mean nothing. Racism is a horrible thing, and no matter how hard people try, they cannot get rid of it. It is part of human nature to hate what is different from you, and only intellectually gifted people are able to overcome this ignorance and stupidity. It's a sad truth. I wish I could rid the world of such horrible thoughts, but it is near, if not, impossible to do so.

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