Sunday, October 26, 2008

Return Home

I have returned to my home. It was a nice trip back to Euclid, but it was also strange. Being back there felt like a dream, as I believe I have stated before. It was nice to see Simone, and I can't wait for this weekend, since she's coming down! But it was strange to see how drastically people had changed. I find it interesting how people think that going to college instantly makes you mature and smarter than everyone else. I find it even more interesting how much these "mature" people make stupid decisions. I don't want to preach from my soap box, I am just stating my observations, but it just makes me a little sad. I liked people for who they were, and their new selves are not as likeable. I am not worried that they might read this. If they become offended, I will apologise, but I will not take back what I said. I am their friend, and I will be honest with them. If they don't like that, then they must not consider me a friend. I apologise to everyone for being so cynical.

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