Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Book Shelf

After several thoughts about blogs, and several half-hearted blogs, I deleted The Modern Eclectic and The Course of Communication (my blog for J101) and created The Book Shelf. The Book Shelf will be just that. The pages (posts) will be about literature I am in the process of reading. There will be two lists on the side, along with the archive. One is called Books on the Shelf. This is for books I liked. The other one is called Books in the Bin, which is easy to guess what that's for. The address is I wanted but some idiot named Jennifer has it. The worst part is there is nothing on her blog, and she's been a member since 2001. She's obviously inactive, and unfortuantely I have no way to contact her in order to get the domain name. Oh well.

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