Sunday, January 11, 2009

What to Read Next?

Here is a list of titles and authors. Pick the one you think I should read and post it in a comment. If you have a recommendation, post that in addition to the one you chose.

Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
Eyeless in Gaza - Aldous Huxley
The Plague - Albert Camus
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
The Fall - Albert Camus
Ape and Essence - Aldous Huxley
A Sand County Almanac - Aldo Leopold
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin
Changing Planes - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Telling - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C. S. Lewis
Harry Potter, Book 2-7 - J. K. Rowling

Have fun!


Anonymous said...



Neil Gaimen is my American [Well, he's actually British] God.

Jackson Nash said...

Ender's Game. If you've never read it, you owe it to yourself. An utter classic.

Jackson Nash said...


Forgive us getting in touch with you like this, but we've got a question:

We would like to invite you to join us in a little adventure.

As you may well know, we've started an awareness and fund-raising campaign for the Millennium Seed Bank. In our opinion, the MSB is performing an invaluable service by preserving plant species, all for the incredibly low price of approx. $3000.00 per species. Compared to trying to save a piece of land, or an animal species, 3000 smackers is an absolute bargain.

We think their work will benefit all of humanity and is as far as we can tell, controversy free.

We happily invite you to join us in forming the Save-A-Seed Coalition.

The SASC will be an informal organization of volunteer bloggers with two goals: Tell people about the Millennium Seed Bank. And, tell more people about the Millennium Seed Bank.

We figure that the best way to raise awareness, (and hopefully funds,) for the MSB is by telling as many folks as possible, generating as much interest as we can...

Here is our plan for how we accomplish that:

We here at SuperForest will write a post about the idea of creating the Save-A-Seed Coalition and our plan to reach out to you.
If you decide to join in the fun, you write a post about being asked to join the SASC and whether or not you'll join.

If you join, we write a post about who has joined and we link to you. You write a post about joining up, and you link to us!

(See where this is going?)

Between the 37 of you and us, we have over 50 blogs.
With 50 blogs writing about and linking to the Millennium Seed Bank, the Save-A-Seed project and one anothers blogs, we've all of a sudden created a very powerful informational and communication entity.

A sympathetic coalition of bloggers, flexing the blogosphere's infant muscles to help a needy organization sounds like just the sort of elevating content that people are hungry for, and we can all share in the fun!

Our immediate goal is to save one seed, (i.e. raise $3,000 for the MSB.) We are one third of the way there. Our plan is to raise this amount, send them a check, and immediately set to work on saving a second seed.

Micro-donations, collected across the vastness of the internet, could provide the lifeblood for the Millennium Seed Bank, and we hope that this little action will help that come to pass.

And as an added bonus, we all get to "meet" one another and get to know each other and each others work as we work for a worthy cause.

What say you? Will you join us?

With love and respect,

Jackson, Niki, Andrew, Alex, Taylor, Jaell, Julius, April, Jordan, Iman, Carla, & Spoon
a.k.a Team SuperForest

Jackson Nash said...


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