Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Love and Vampires

No, this is not about Twilight (bleck!). This is about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It has become my new favourite show. I started watching it this weekend on Netflix instant stream. So good! Extremely cheesy, but enjoyably so. I'm going to watch some before I go to bed tonight. Now, the love part of this title. My love life was a hot topic of discussion in the Post lobby this afternoon. I'm told I need to find someone. That's a little difficult for me right now. I'm still stuck on someone, and no matter how many times I tell myself or my friends tell me to let go, I just cannot. I have no reason to let go, nothing to be angry about. All I had was good things, good memories, good feelings. How can you let go of someone who did nothing wrong except be unable to commit, and even that wasn't wrong. We were never official. Neither of us was looking for a relationship. If anything, I'm the one at fault. I told myself that I wouldn't get too involved, and if I did, then I would cut myself off from that person. I don't know. I just need to distract myself and not think about relationships at all. Maybe I should become a hermit...


Carolyn said...

What you need, Mr. Nero, is a rebound crush. Not any rebound "action," per se, but just a crush to distract you. Works for me every time.

Also, I <3 Wesley.

Anonymous said...

Or you could just make out with me until the sad feelings go away. ;)

EmperorNero said...

I would Anonymous if I only knew who you were. I know so many Anonymi, so you'll need to clarify. ;)