Friday, November 27, 2009

Tofurkey-less Thanksgiving, Yet Again

My Thanksgiving wish was not granted this year, but it was a fine "holiday." I'll try not to be a Debbie Downer and explain the quotes. I tend to just have fun with what I see as the pointlessness of some holidays. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays to ponder why we celebrate it and the false reasons I was taught in elementary school. Oh elementary school! To be naive again! To believe in Santa Claus and pilgrims sharing meals with the indians instead of raping and pillaging their lands essentially. Whoops! There I go with my ideals again. I've discovered I'm very much a foisting person. I definitely try to persuade people to my point of view, but only on things I believe I am right about, or things I think would help the foistee become a better person, a more intelligent, cultured, and open-minded person. I'm making the world a better place, one person at a time. Don't get me wrong. I don't think I'm the perfect person and everyone should be like me, I'm just letting you think I'm thinking it.

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