Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Ball

First, I saw The Wackness again with Kenny, Ben, and Justin. I think it was sadder the second time. Kenny and Justin were high for it, so they were having a great time. Then I went to this themed party at Kristina's house. It was a ball, but not really. We all just dressed in really nice outfits, and then listened to terrible music. Apparently they were supposed to ballroom dance during the first hour, but I arrived with Ben, Kristen, and Justin about an hour and a half after the party started. It was nice. I had a whole piece of cheesecake and Nick was all like, "You can't have a whole piece." But no one can expect me not to eat a whole piece of cheesecake if it's available (one of my food weaknesses, and on a side note, I'm weening myself off fast food french fries so I'm about to knock that off my list of weaknesses). It was a nice night. After that Ben, Kristen, Justin, Kenny, and I went to our friend Chris's house. Chris, Kenny, and Justin smoked some more and we watched recorded Family Guy episodes. Ben took Kristen home, and then eventually Ben and I left. I watched a show after almost falling asleep on my couch, and then fell asleep listening to Ingrid Michaelson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always smoke when ever I hang out with you it seems, hahaha