Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Two Fridays in One and an Opening Ceremony

Alright, so Friday the 8th Kayla invited me to go ice skating with her and others at the Mentor ice rink. So Tony V, Brianna, Kayla, Dan, and I went ice skating. Now I have never been ice skating, so I was in for a challenge. Kayla tried hard to teach me, but I'm pretty sure it would have been easier to learn if I was ten years younger. Unfortunately I had a deprived childhood. My mom didn't want to sign me up for anything because my brother never stuck with anything. I wanted to do a lot too. I wanted to do gymnastics, karate (or some other form of martial arts), and I wanted to learn how to ice skate like my brother did. None of that came to fruition, so here I was being held by Kayla as she tried to teach me something I should have learned when I was five. Nevertheless, I had fun, and I started to pick it up at the end. I would like to go ice skating again so I can practice and get better. It's like swimming for me, I love the pool, but I don't know how to swim and it's something I want to learn. Anyways, after skating we went to TGI Friday's for lunch. It was okay, our waitress had an "I hate my life" attitude, so she kind of brought everything down a little. Then we walked around downtown Willoughby to kill some time before we left for Julie's birthday party. Julie's was fun. We watched the opening ceremony of the Bejeing Olympics, which was awesome, and we talked with Ben's smart bromate who is a Hollister model (and we're pretty sure just a body model, not a face). Nick and Kenny arrived from the Lifeguard Games dressed in the most ridiculous outfits, and we all enjoyed Kenny's suffering after he realized he locked his keys in his car for the second time that day. After several phone calls, and some man power, Kenny was able to get in his car. I left with Nick and Kenny, and had to ride all over the place since Kenny couldn't make up his mind about going to this lifeguard party. I offered to just go to the party so Kenny didn't have to drive me all the way back once he decided he was going, but Nick and Kenny didn't want to make me feel awkward and didn't want to feel even more akward themselves. After they dropped me off at home finally, I thought about how alone I feel. Even with all the friends I have, I don't feel like I really belong or fit in any of them. I feel like an island surrounded by the continents that are my groups of friends. Now that I'm going to college and I'm separating from a lot of my friends, I feel like those continents are slowly drifting away, and the island of me is truly alone. Sorry if I'm being a real Debbie Downer, but I just wanted to get that out, and I find it easier to express myself through writing more than talking.

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