Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Almost Forgot

Today was, sorry, yet another normal day. I woke up to watch my sisters again until my stepdad decides he's going to come home. But I was able to escape early in order to go to Tom's house for a meeting. Unfortunately he still didn't have anything planned, I'm crossing my fingers for Sunday, so we just played mini games. Tom beat me in Starship Catan, similar to my all time favorite game Settlers of Catan, Alex (a super nerd hippie) brought my favorite food in the world, POCKY!!, and Joe brought his Wii, so we played Super Smash Brothers Brawl until 4:00. Then I came home, continued my illegal viewing of Code Geass R2, and was stumped by Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which Steve is kindly letting me borrow seeing as I did not have an N64 so I could not play this installment in the Legend of Zelda series. Now I'm finishing watching the first season of 30 Rock which I will return to the library along with my application. I really hope I get it or a job as someone's executive assistant. Pray for, burn sage for, or sacrifice an animal to your pagan god for me. Cheers!

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