Friday, June 27, 2008

Darn Library!

What a day. I woke up at 11:00 at Justin's house, ate a donut, and left with Jared at noon. I got home and went online to make sure my library item had come in. Well it did, so I decided I would hitch a ride with my brother on his way to work. So until 4:00, when my brother was leaving, I just wasted time on the computer and watched some Mission Hill. Then I got to the library, handed in my application, looked for my friend Zach who works there, told him to put in a good word for me, picked out some books, went to the checkout, and was stuck with a lady who was unable to find my movie Driving Lessons on the shelf. UUURRRGGGHHH! So I went home and made pasta with Alfredo sauce and watched my recording of Infomania, a sarcastic and satirical news show on Current TV, channel 196 as their commercials constantly remind me. It's a pretty good channel. It's mostly pods made by everyday people about news worthy things. And they also have viewer created ads for all sorts of products. Those are okay. They're not the best quality, but they're creative. A digression to what I said in my previous post for a moment. I wonder why people are sometimes severely affected by the death of a person they did not know at all. For example, a friend of mine was deeply saddened by the death of George Carlin, a genius comedian. She didn't know him personally, she just knew of him. They were never friends. They were never close. Yet, she was still so affected. A quandary.

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