Monday, June 23, 2008


Today was another okay day. I woke pretty early today so I could get an application from the library. I also paid off my $13.30 in fines, rented three movies, and enjoyed a quiet walk home. Then I just sat on the computer and watched Code Geass episodes on I was surprised by the Japanese voices because they were pretty close to the American voices I had gotten used to. Usually I like the Japanese voices bettter than the American, so I end up watching anime in Japanese with English subtitles. The only exception I have found is Fullmetal Alchemist, the best anime ever. I hated the Japanese voices. The American voices were so much better. Ed and Al actually sounded like boys. Anyways, I just got Virtual Villagers. Yippie! It is a really fun sim game from Last Day At Work that you buy online. Eventually we'll just start buying video games online and game consoles will become obsolete, they'll just start mass selling computers made specifically for video games. I would have gone to the movies, but my friend David was still stuck in Maryland and Simone was babysitting. Sad face.

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