Monday, December 15, 2008


I really want to say who these people are, but I will not even though I know one of them does not read this, at least I think he or she doesn't. I have two friends (for clarity, one refers to the same one and other refers to the same other throughout). They are dancing around each other. One, I know for sure, likes the other, and the other, I'm now 99% sure, likes the one. Both of them have had bad/weird relationships in the past, and, through my little knowledge of pyschology and experience, have deduced that both are afraid to tell the other person. One is afraid of rejection, and the other is afraid of either rejection, doesn't want to try a long distance relationship, or possibly both (I'm thinking the last). This is truly eating me up inside. I was lying in bed thinking about it, and I couldn't stop getting upset. I want them to tell each other their feelings so bad. The one is torturing themselves over this and refuses to believe the other likes them. The one keeps finding tiny holes in my theory of why the other likes them and tries to make them into gaping holes so thinking about the other won't hurt the one. As I write this, I keep wanting to hold the backspace button down and watch as everything I did is undone. I know the one will read this and probably not know how to react toward me. I don't care though because deep down in my heart I have this hard to shake feeling these two are meant for each other. If I'm wrong, than I'm just an idiot, a foolish romantic who knows nothing about relationships.

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