Monday, September 14, 2009

I Actor!

Today in my acting fundamentals class, we played several games/exercises that were really fun. First we did Zoom again, which is a fun little game about focusing and eye contact. The first time we just had to receive the zoom from one person and then make eye contact with the person on our other side and pass the zoom by saying, "Zoom." Today we had to point across the circle and pass it, so it wasn't as easy to follow where it was going around the room. Then we played another name game to try and remember people's names better. The first person asks someone to help them, and the person who is helping says "Person, come here." Then the first person would walk toward the second person and the second person would have to get someone to help them before the first person reaches them. We didn't really get the hang of it, but we still had fun. The next exercise we did was this game where we threw our right shoes into a pile in the middle of the circle. One person would be the right shoe and another would be the left shoe. The right person would have to take a shoe from the pile and match it to a person in the circle. The left person would have to ask the people in the circle for their left shoe and match it with one in the pile. Then we ended with a one on one exercise. One person had $20 and the other person had to convince the person to give the money to them. The person with the money couldn't directly say no, or any direct variation. I did this exercise, and I was in the last pair. I had to ask for the $20, so I said I needed it for a flight to Paris, the last one for 3 years, to see my true love who left me for a French guy a year prior. I was really over the top and cheesy, but the girl wouldn't budge. Then our grad student teacher sent another student to be the boarding officer, so he was like, "Last flight to Paris is boarding now," so I had to act frantic, begging and pleading with this girl, but she still refused. Then I topped it off with a super cheesy fall-to-the-floor, "NOOOOOO!" as the boarding officer counted down the last five seconds before the plane left. The class ate it up. They all loved my acting. My terribly cheesy, over-the-top, comedic acting. Smiley face of epic proportions.

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