Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mission Accomplished

I arrived in Athens, Ohio, 10 or so minutes after 1 on Saturday, September the 5th, 2009. I proceeded to move my possessions into Shively, room 140. After a successful transfer from car to habitation, the parental units and I headed to the bookstore. There we bought several text books and several novels for my English class. At around 2, we ate lunch at the Chipotle located several yards from the bookstore. Upon finishing our nourishment, the parental units returned me to my new place of residence. I proceeded to read and watch several of my favourite episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist. At around 1am, I was introduced to my roommate's girlfriend whereby we had delightful conversation. After her departure, I continued to read J.D. Salinger's Nine Stories. At around 2am, I retired to my sleeping quarters and snuggled with a Mr. Moose. I awoke today shortly before noon. I have entertained myself by watching Visioneers, several episodes of South Park, and the first episode of Lost. That is all I have to report.

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