Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Mon, a Tues, a Mon, Tues, Three, Four.

Justin doesn't think the title is absolutely genius, but it obviously is. I'm so witty (and narcissistic). Anyways, as I hope the title alluded to, this is going to cover Monday and Tuesday. The only important thing that happened on Monday was in Current World Problems. I believe this to be my favourite class, mainly because I find it extremely comical. The reason is that this quarter it is about global warming. Now global warming is a hot button issue, but many people are uneducated when it comes to it. I thought, since I would be in college, I would find like minded people who have done the research I have and understand the "facts" surrounding global warming/global climate change. Unfortunately that did not come to fruition. There are only two people who seem to have a good grasp on the information, one on the opposite side (pro-global warming), and the other in the middle. The rest are unable to speak eloquently on the topic. For the most part, I take a neutral stance and do not speak, mainly to avoid conversations with believers who will shun me and label me a heretic. The interesting thing is we are presented both sides of the arguement, yet majority of the class believes in anthropogenic global warming, whether it's extreme of not that extreme. The professor is trying to make the class as unbiased as possible, but I think it will be hard in a room full of evanGorecals (genius I know). Now moving on to today, I would like to make fun of about half of my Precision language class. Now I know English grammar can be confusing, but if a person cannot tell the difference between an adjective and an adverb or doesn't know what a verb phrase is, then our education system is in serious trouble. If a college class teaches students about nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepostions, conjuctions, and interjections, that's a little sad. I have some trouble with grammar, but they are rare occurences of things I never actually learned but just picked up. But despite all this, they are my favourite classes. That's it for now. Tomorrow will be an interesting post because I'm taking photos for the Post with Anna (yay Anna).

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